
The best chain oil we have ever made.
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World Tour proven
£17.99 GBP£35.98

Ultra² is a unique, oil based lubricant. The durability on the chain is immense, we have seen instances of testers going over 800km between applications. It is extremely weather resistant and will not budge in rain or muddy conditions. And if that’s not enough… Ultra² stands out with a very high Brugger value of 200 N/mm².

✅ Super fast
✅ Extremely durable
✅ Suitable for all weather conditions
✅ Road and off-road
✅ 200 N/mm²


The fastest oil based lube we have ever made (200 N/mm2). Ultra² chain oil has become a term in cycling synonymous with extreme challenges. Riding distances that go beyond normal, resulting in adventures of epic proportions. Adventures that are ultra far, in times that are ultra fast.


Clean your chain and drivetrain really well, rinse with water afterwards to make sure there is no residue of the chain cleaner left. Let the chain, cassette and crankset dry out completely. Shake the bottle vigorously and apply a very small drop of Ultra² on every single chain link.

The fastest oil based lube we have ever made (200 N/mm2). Ultra² chain oil has become a term in cycling synonymous with extreme challenges. Riding distances that go beyond normal, resulting in adventures of epic proportions. Adventures that are ultra far, in times that are ultra fast.

To complete these types of adventures, everything needs to be in perfect shape; rider and bike. Which is why we engineered Ultra² to be the ultimate lube for the most epic adventures, no matter the distance, conditions, or surface.

On top of that we decided that this lube needed to be fast, so we can proudly say that this is the fastest oil based lube we have ever made! The durability on the chain is immense, we have seen instances of testers going over 800km between applications. It is extremely weather resistant and will not budge in rain or muddy conditions. All while staying super clean compared to other, oil based lubricants.

Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Eddy Kerkhove (Flushing, NL)
super olie!

Weer een nieuw voorraadje aangeschaft van de naar mijn inziens beste olie voor alle disciplines. Reed eerst met wax voor de racefiets, maar ben toch weer terug gegaan naar olie door Dynamic. dit vooral door de langere levensduur van de smering van de ketting. Klein volume is ook super handig om mee te nemen bij MTB marathons.

Mike Schopman (Enschede, NL)
Goed spul!

Ik gebruik deze olie op m'n ebike die dagelijks voor woon/werkverkeer wordt ingezet. In natte/vieze/winterse omstandigheden haal ik ruim 400 km op deze olie zonder bijsmeren. In droge, zomerse omstandigheden lukt het om dit te verdubbelen naar 800+ km. Je ketting wordt er tevens super soepel van. Inmiddels alle andere olie's weggedaan. Dit is een blijvertje.

Joshua van Tongeren (Veendam, NL)
top spul

met mijn vorige olie werd de ketting van de buiten kant snel
smerig met deze niet. daarnaast merkte ik ook direct verschil met
hoe soepel het wel niet loopt en blijft lopen zelfs na een paar dikke regen buien. kan iedereen dit
aanraden. het kost wat maar dan heb je ook wat!

Robèrt (Eindhoven, NL)
Longest lasting oil I have ever used!

I have gone over 700K with this stuff on my chain and all I did was wipe off the outside of the chain every now and again. Amazed by how good this actually did the job.

Patrick Haan (Enter, NL)
Great stuff

Gebruik het nu zo’n 2 jaar en absoluut super goed, ketting loopt soepel en slijtage is stuk minder. Goed aan te brengen en ruikt ook nog eens lekker 😋